Sunday, July 18, 2010

Attempting To Be a Good Housewife...

I decided that this weekend I would work on becoming a good wife and maybe start getting the house organized. There are still gifts to be unpacked and put away, old things to be boxed up for a future yard sale (when I hit the time jackpot), thank you cards to be written, and junk mail to be thrown away. Quite a list, huh? We have been working every weekend on this!

So yesterday when Matthew was off, we didn't do anything around the house. We did go shopping though! There was an extra 20% off registry purchases at Belk's, so we with our tons of gift cards, decided it was time to use them while there was a sale! I got.. we got another set of sheets, a down comforter, and a KITCHENAID MIXER!!!! Can you figure out who was in charge of these purchases? Definitely not Matthew! I haven't pulled it out of the box yet, but I am most certainly searching for recipes so that I can get in there and use it today!

We also went to Tuesday Morning, where I got a file box that is super cute! And we went couponing at CVS, Walgreen's, and Rite Aid. You can read about that over here I used the folders I bought yesterday and added some glam to them with all of my scrapbooking goodies! I labeled them for each of the places we have bills for each month. This is my attempt at organization! And the cute folders that came with the cute file box will be used for other things like taxes, insurance, school, and other miscellaneous things. Soon, you won't even be able to recognize my house because it will be cleaner and more organized than ever!

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